Video of Yes on Prop 8 sign stealers

Here is a video of Yes on Prop 8 sign stealers. Some members of my elders quorum have set up traps to catch the sign stealers. Please watch and vote YES on Prop 8.

Prop 8

I have to begin by saying, for those who don't know what is going on in California right now here is an update. A few months ago (or more, I don't really remember) the California State Supreme Court over turned the peoples vote of 2000 that banned gay marriage (I know I am probably leaving out a lot of details, but I didn't live here at that time). From then Prop 8 was born, that would legally define marriage as between a man and woman in the California State Constitution. So Thursday (10.16.08) night I was out of town (in Utah) for work. After working hard all day long and being up since 4:30 am I called Ann before I went to bed. At that time she told me that she had gone to the Target in Barranca and Paseo Westpark in Irvine. She said that she was in the store for about 45 minutes shopping, when she returned to my car she saw the picture to the right, my "Yes on 8" sticker with writing on it. The writing says, "No on 8" then on the family to the right of the sticker it says, "Live and let live". I know that it is hard to read so here are some other pictures I just took of the sticker.

I was already frustrated about this issue because earlier that day I heard on the radio (KSL radio, for those familiar with the station) that a local Mormon leader from Nebraska was coming to Salt Lake to meet with someone from the Church to talk to them about OUR stance on gay marriage. Not was this local leader coming to talk to them about it, but he was also bringing 300, yes that is right 300 letter to give to the church about OUR stance about gay marriage and how they disagree with OUR stance.

If anyone has an idea of what they think they meant by, "Live and let live," please leave your comments by clicking on the comments link below this post.

Thank you!