This is my wonderful Grandma Foy. She lived a wonderful life and seemed to enjoy every minute of it, even though she spent last part of it in pain. Although my brother, sister and I were the youngest of all the grandchildren (second generation) we were loved by her just the same as all the other, older grandchildren. I do have to say that it seemed like Grandpa Foy and her spoiled us more than the other grandchildren. I know that she enjoyed seeing and hearing from all of the grandchildren.

The other night, before she died, my aunt started to plan my Grandmother's funeral (the writing was on the wall this point) and asked my dad if I would like to speak at her funeral. Well when my dad called me and asked I said yes without even thinking about it. Yesterday I spoke with the aunt that was planning the funeral and she said that I was allowed 2-3 minutes, and I had to speak about the good and fun times with Grandma Foy. So tonight while thinking about those moments I found that there were way to many of those moments.

Here are a few of those moments:

  1. Ann's and mine wedding. She was so paranoid about what was going to happen in the recommend interview that she called an uncle of mine that was a bishop to talk about what was going to happen in the interview.
  2. The many times my family stayed there and the many times her and my grandpa woke us kids up while fighting of the breakfast responsibilities, meaning who was going to cook what.
  3. The many times visiting her after grandpa had died and hearing her tell the same story over and over again as if she didn't know that we had heard that story before.
I know that funerals are supposed to be sad, but this one is going to be a happy funeral because she is no longer going to be in pain and she is not going to be alone anymore. She is going to be with my grandpa again, which is the best part!