Well Saturday night we had the adult session of Stake Conference and Elder Cook was there as the presiding authority, due to the fact that our Stake Presidency was being reorganized. However, when the session first started, Elder Cook was not there. The conducting member of the stake presidency said that he (Elder Cook) was down on San Diego with those members of the church who house has burned down. After meeting with them, he returned and gave us the number of house that burned down the belonged to members of the church. He said that there were about 45 houses that burned down that were owned by members of the church. That is 45 of the 2100 structures that burned that were owned by members of the church, which is awesome. I honestly thought that there were more that burned down.

From there he began to talk about how he felt when he was called to be a member of the 12 and the impressions that he felt. After listening to him I really feel that even though they might have this awesome calling and responsibility as an apostle of the Lord, but I came to the conclusion that they are just like us and they have to same feelings that we do when we get huge responsibilities assigned to us. I was really impressed with Elder Cook and the love that he has for the saints as well as his love for the Lord. I wish that when I have a responsibility as huge as something like he has that I can be as strong as he is and just move forward and not be afraid of being left alone to fend for myself. But I know that if we are faithful we will never be alone and the Lord will protect us and guide through everything.